Friday |
3:00 |
Olga Konovalova |
Sea mushrooms on WSBS |
3:20 |
Alexandra Hillebrand |
3:40 |
Maria Skazina |
4:00 |
Lisa Kamphausen |
Collapse of the oyster fishery in the Solent (UK) - Reproduction Survival and Regeneration |
4:20 |
Nikolay Voronoy |
4:40 |
Georg Steinert |
Population structure of Mytilus edulis in the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony (Germany) |
5:00 |
Dmitry Miljutin |
Saturday |
10:00 |
Aleaxndr Fisher |
RFLP-Analysis and Sequencing of Geminiviruses (AbMV) |
10:20 |
Rene Lesnik |
Detection of known and unknown viruses in German bats |
10:40 |
Alexandra Obukhova |
Preantennal appendages at arthropods |
11:00 |
Stefan Kolle |
Calcite-based photonic structures in the shell of the blue-rayed limpet Ansates pellucida. |
11:20 |
Ilya Udalov |
Naked lobose amoebae ("Gymnamoebia") phylogeny and systematics. |
11:40 |
Anton Esaulov |
Marine Ciliate Family Trachelorepcidae (Karyorelictea, Ciliata) |
12:00 |
Artem Isachenko |
New approach in studying community structure |
page updated: October 26, 2010 0:28 AM